Visiting Our Homes
Westgate Healthcare’s commitment to protecting our residents, loved ones and staff members against the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount. It is important for our residents to continue to see visitors in order to maintain their physical and psychological health.
As we learn to live with COVID-19, we have reviewed our visiting policy in line with the most recent government guidance which can be viewed here.
The below guidance sets out a framework that allows indoor visits to continue across our homes whilst ensuring minimal risk to residents and visitors contracting COVID-19.
- Visitors do not need to book a visit in advance – they are able to visit one resident in the person’s individual bedroom or outdoors in the grounds of the care home
- Visiting is supported seven days a week and in line with the home’s specified hours
- There is no restriction on the number of visitors to the home, and children are able to visit under close supervision of an adult at all times
- Whilst there are no restrictions to the number of people who may visit, when a visitor is in a person’s bedroom, they must ensure the room remains ventilated throughout the duration of their visit and the number of people is limited to ensure everyone’s comfort
- Visitors will be required to wear a face mask whilst inside the care home for the duration of their visit. If a visit takes place outdoors, then visitors can remove their face mask
- Visitors do not need to undertake a Lateral Flow Device test prior to their visit to the home (or on arrival) unless they will be supporting personal care
- Visitors should not visit the home if they have any symptoms of cold or flu such as a cough, high temperature, diarrhoea or vomiting. If visitors have any of these symptoms, we advise them to avoid visiting the home until at leave five days after they feel better. This advice applies even if visitors test negative for COVID-19, are fully vaccinated and have received their booster vaccination
- If a visitor is providing personal care to a resident, they will be required to follow the Infection Prevention Control (IPC) measures that are in place within the home and use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as instructed by the care team. They will also need to produce a negative Lateral Flow Device test result. If they visit once a week, then they will need to test on the day of the visit
It is no longer a legal requirement for visitors to provide proof of their vaccination status, however, vaccination remains one of the best defences to combat infection, particularly after two or more doses. It is strongly recommended that residents and visitors receive two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, plus their booster.
Each of our care homes will be following this guidance and will adhere to their individual home policies to assure safe indoor visiting can take place.
To book a visit, please get in touch directly with the care home.